Category: Safe Driving

5 Tips for Safe Driving

1.Avoid distractionsPut the phone down, seriously. Consider getting a hands free device like a blue…

How to Handle Tailgaters on the Road

You may have learned the value of driving your car at speeds you can handle…

When you have to avoid driving by yourself

Most people drive alone routinely, and that’s okay. When you spend your time running errands…

Why it’s important to pay attention to traffic signals

It’s astonishing, the ways people find to hurt themselves in cars. It’s also saddening. Running…

How to choose the best car according to safety features

Often, I've heard people say things like, "Aren't new cars always the safer choice?” and…

Why speeding is dangerous

Speeding causes thousands of deaths each year in almost every country. Going two or three…

What to do in case of an accident

Things that you should know in car accident situation:a. STOP. No matter what happened, stop…

Things you should keep in your car for emergency situations

You already know that you should have a spare tire and tools in your car,…

How to prepare your car when driving with your kids

Car accidents are the number-one cause of death in children between the ages of 1…

How to keep your vehicle safe

Every week, we hear horror stories about people who lost either their cars or their…