Yet another sunrise brings forth a fresh addition to the electric vehicle lineup from a certain East Asian nation. This latest arrival boasts a unique allure, pledging an impressive acceleration to 60 mph in slightly over two seconds. Let’s delve into the specifics shortly, but before that, let’s acquaint ourselves with the innovative HiPhi A.

For those unfamiliar, HiPhi stands as a notable player in the realm of electric vehicle manufacturing, with a keen focus on crafting high-end, high-performance automobiles. The recently introduced HiPhi A shares its foundation with the Z, and no, we’re not referring to the familiar Nissan Z.

In March, the company revealed a robust electric liftback sedan wielding a substantial 600 horsepower, and developments have only intensified since. Reassuringly, the automaker assures us that we won’t be restricted to mere digital representations – a tangible vehicle is set to grace the stage at the forthcoming 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, commencing this Friday. The initial batch of deliveries to eager customers is slated for early 2025.

While the X features a double-motor electric power system, the B relies on three electric motors. One is situated at the front, and the other two are positioned at the rear, individually driving each rear wheel. This is an internally crafted setup, boasting a maximum power generation of 1,287 hp. The electric power is sourced from a battery unit with a yet-to-be-revealed capacity, capable of releasing up to 1,500 kilowatts at its highest point. The power system operates on an 800-volt electric framework – another proprietary innovation by the company – ensuring the sustenance of its peak performance for over 30 minutes. Consequently, the electric vehicle’s maximum speed is documented at 186 miles per hour.

An air suspension system, as seen in the HiPhi Z, comes as standard, but the A variant enhances it with a rear-wheel steering configuration, adaptable shock absorbers, and an innovative torque-vectoring mechanism. The firm asserts that the electric high-performance vehicle achieves an ideal 50:50 weight distribution. In collaboration with Apollo Automobil, known for the Intensa Emozione and G2J electric supercars, HiPhi crafted this innovative model.

Further insights into the A model are anticipated in the approaching months. We’re curious to discover whether this new release will be available in markets beyond China, given the company’s established presence in showrooms in Germany and Norway. However, don’t hold your breath for a U.S. debut.

Source: HiPhi