Before the launch of the new tollgate system on October 15, the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport (DoT) and the Integrated Transport Center unveiled carpooling service for commuter’s convenience.

The use of carpooling enables people to save money and contribute to the environment by reducing carbon emissions. “The toll gate system encourages the community to plan and organize their routes in advance and decide the most appropriate times to drive, which has a positive impact on traffic flow, helps to maintain infrastructure, and reduces the impact on the environment,” the department stated.

Commuters, interested in carpooling, can signup at Darb, which will allow them to give a ride or search for a ride. The residents have the liberty to match pick-up & drop-off destinations, time slots, likes, and dislikes to find the right carpooling partners.

The person who offers carpooling service shares the cost of fuel, parking, etc. with other travelers. The service gives carpoolers a chance to make closed private groups of organizations, club associates, regional communities, and families.

Carpooling is legal only if commuters register with DoT. Anyone who offers this service otherwise will face Dh3,000 fine, 24 black points, and vehicle confiscation.

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