UAE has always been known for its glamour, beaches, tall buildings and especially exotic cars. So, it is unsurprising that MBLM’s Brand Intimacy 2018 Report rates UAE’s Automotive Industry very high among the 15 industries studied in the area.

The UAE is an immensely rich country and its population has a huge buying power. Out of the Top 10 Most Intimate Brands of UAE, the Top 5 belong to the automotive sector. It shows the UAE population keeps vehicles in high regard.

“The dominant archetype for this category – fulfillment – indicates that successful automotive brands in the UAE deliver superior service, quality, and efficacy,” noted William Shintani, managing partner at MBLM Dubai. “Fulfillment is linked to performance, which is evident in the marketing efforts of industry leaders such as Lexus, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz. These brands deliver on their promise to provide products and experiences that exceed user expectations.”

Claiming the first spot among the Top 5 is the German premium brand BMW. According to the report, 63% of the surveyed population kept BMW near their hearts. Lexus took the second place in the UAE Top 10 and the first place in the world. The Japanese luxury car brand is highly favored by consumers aged between 35 and 64. Toyota, Lexus’s parent company, remarkably achieved the 5th position. Last year, it was on 16th position.

Perhaps, the ride-hailing services, Uber and Careem, can be credited for the increase in Lexus’s popularity because both companies have flooded their line-up with Lexus hybrid vehicles. However, it will be interesting to see how the car marque shapes up in the future.

The high favorability of both Toyota and Lexus in the Automotive Industry can be attributed to the easy availability of spare-parts, after-market services, exceptional customer service, and the undeniable resale worth.

The MBLM Brand Intimacy 2018 Report ranks brands based on how intimate consumers are with them. The 2018 survey accounts for some of the most well-known brands making this year’s study the most thorough and well-defined. MBLM examined 6,000 consumers and 54,000 brands covering 15 industries in UAE, U.S.A, and Mexico.