Dr. Dana Al-Hamwi, a UAE-based doctor and dietician, stated that excessive dependence on caffeinated drinks can cause irritability, muscular spasms, anxiety, an irregular heartbeat and unclear speech. Caffeinated drinks with high sugar content can also cause tiredness. While relying on such drinks for a “quick-fix” when tired is not harmful, using these drinks to remain focused on the road is detrimental.

In a recent study conducted by YouGov taking into account 1,000 UAE residents, 46% said that they rely on coffee to remain focused on the road, 39% drink tea and 16% consume energy drinks.

Road safety in the UAE has become an increasingly pressing matter, with the number of road accidents and deaths rapidly escalating each year. Following tips can help drivers avoid caffeinated drinks and increase concentration on roads:

  1. Drink lots of water
  2. Refrain from consuming snacks with high sugar or salt contents
  3. Eat proper meals and include more fruit and vegetable
  4. Stay away from fast food
  5. Avoid medication that can cause lethargy and tiredness
  6. Chew a gum
  7. Pack healthy snacks for the journey
  8. Consume smaller and healthier snacks instead of bigger meals
  9. On a long trip, take short breaks
  10. Bring fresh air in your car

By the way, there is no fine on taking tea while driving.