A few days back Elon Musk promised to reveal some vital information regarding the Tesla Model 3 and he did exactly that through his Twitter account.

Musk mentioned the Tesla Model 3 has passed all regulatory requirements for productions two weeks earlier than the scheduled date. In the second tweet, he stated the first thirty units of the Tesla Model 3 will be delivered to the customers on 28th July. He further added the company will build 100 more units by August, while by September, 1,500 cars will be built. In the final tweet, Musk revealed the production of Model 3 could reach up to 20,000 per month in December.

Tesla plans to rapidly expand its production lines and build 500,000 units annually. Already, the company has received 400,000 pre-orders for the Model 3 and more are expected to add up.

The Tesla Model 3 will be equipped with a 60-kilowatt-hour battery pack, offering a range of up to 215 miles. It will be capable of hitting the 60 mph mark in under six seconds. The price for the base model starts from $35,000.

We are currently not sure when it will be available in the Middle East.