Brigadier Abdullah Bin Sultan, Director of the Future Shaping Center of Dubai Police believes the year 2030 looks keen for the technology industry of Dubai as well as the security agency and Dubai’s inhabitants. At the 11 Best Police Practices Forum, he announced that Dubai’s Police would be looking forward to the addition of the first robot cop to its vast entirety of police personnel by May.

Bin Sultan has been quite optimistic regarding the current and future circumstances of Dubai with regards to its security. By 2030, around 25% of the police force of Dubai would be equipped with robots. Not only that, Dubai would be the first city in the country to enjoy the success and development of the biggest DNA Data Bank and self-power-generated police buildings.

In addition to the breakthrough in Dubai’s Police department with the first robot cop this year, Brigadier Al Razouqui further added that 2030 could also be the year when we will have the first smart police station, run solely by robots and smart technologies. As of the year 2025, Dubai could be categorized as one of the top five safest cities in the whole world, thus adding more to its tourism, development and rehabilitation.