CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk has come out on behalf of his employees and addressed the efforts made by the latter to unionize the capital generated by the company’s manufacturing plants. As reported by BuzzFeed, Musk’s leaked email was a point-to-point refutation of Jose Moran’s acquisitions against the company. Providing some background to the story, Jose Moran, a production worker at Tesla’s Fremont factory claimed in a Medium post that the pay scales at the factory were very low and the workers were forced into mandatory and lengthy overtimes which in turn resulted in horrible injuries.

According to reports, the explanations given in the email were results of an internal investigation. In contradiction to the overtime claims, Musk’s email highlighted the fact that There was a 50% drop in overtimes over the last year at the Fremont factory. Musk’s email also noted that the employees at the company earn $70,000- $100,000 more than any other auto workers in the country.

Musk’s email suggested that Jose Moran’s claims had a lot to do with UAW and with their plans to unionize the auto manufacturing industry. However, UAW earlier came out stating that even though they would welcome the role of organizing the company’s employees under the flagship, it had nothing to do with Moran’s claims.

The original extract from Elon Musk email can be read here.