In order to resolve the cases where motorists protest against having committed any traffic violations, the Dubai Police has installed 30 new traffic radars  to catch violators at intersections who take sudden U-turns, make quick lane changes or over speed. The radars feature smart cameras to capture road violation and feed the data to the traffic system directly (without any human involvement). This system will keep the violators under surveillance especially those who do not adhere to the imperative lane restrictions.

Additionally, as part of ‘Rasd’ Project, Dubai Traffic Police placed 70 cameras on Dubai roads in 2016, whereas 61 cameras will be installed in 2017. These cameras scan vehicle plates and alarm the members of police departments when they trace any illegal vehicle.

28 new radars have also been installed in areas such as Damascus and Haleb streets to spot the reckless behaviors of motorists as they over speed or jump the red-light. The Dubai Traffic Police is also working to install new radars to track down violators even before crossing the signal zone at a road junction. The advanced radars will be able to spot violations (including yellow box violations) at a long range, record a video up to 10 seconds and then send a quick SMS to the control center to take a spontaneous action against occurring infractions.

Unlike new traffic radars, the old radars watch over red signal violations at a distance of 50 meters, and if someone crosses the yellow signal, the radar does not inspect that.