Elon Musk and Tesla must read the following lines with extreme caution. Future lies in refueling our electric batteries instead of recharging them, according to Nunzio La Vecchia who is the brain behind the energy storage technology of NanoFlowcell holding the position of Chief Technology Officer in NanoFlowcell tech company. Therefore, we should better be listening.

In his blog titled ‘Full Speed Ahead up a Dead End’, Nunzio La Vecchia is primarily concerned about the snail’s pace development of the infrastructure required for recharging the future electric cars. There are very few stations for La Vecchia’s liking that will ultimately be hampering the market expansion for electric cars. Moreover, the average time taken to recharge the cars is a lot longer than that of the conventional refueling. Together, these two factors will make the electric cars unfeasible in the not too distant future.

So, the creative genius comes up with a solution as well. The existing lithium ion batteries should give way to the flow cells that will take just minutes to refill or recharge through current pumping methodology.  NanoFlowcell is developing shoebox sized flow cells with two tanks for positive and negative electrolytes. These will be having a net weight of 320 pounds with a storage capacity of 40 gallons. They will have a definite weight advantage over the traditional batteries with enormous time savings as well. Conventional pumping stations can be used with some tweaks for refilling of these flow cells and the electrolytes can be produced on the site as well.

This can be bad news for 370,000 Tesla Model 3 prospective buyers.