Roads and Transport Authority Dubai has released a system making online car sales transactions available to RTA authorised showrooms. The initiative will make car sales easier and more convenient for both buyers and sellers.

RTA is reaching out to showrooms to ensure swift implementation of the system throughout the city. The previous system involved documentation by both parties at the showroom and personal visits to the registration centre. The new system for online car sales transactions simplifies the process by requiring only the original Emirates ID cards of both seller and buyer, which are scanned using a smart code reader and recorded directly in RTA’s traffic system along with the details of the transaction.

One of the major advantages of this system is the protection offered to both buyer and seller. A vehicle’s ownership/number plate may not be transferred without his prior knowledge, as the system required both parties to be present at the time of the transaction. Furthermore, the seller’s part of the transaction consists of one visit to process the online selling agreement.

The system can also build up a database of car sales transactions, which can provide useful statistics in the future (a feat not possible with paper transactions). Processing time at centres will also be reduced significantly, as around 50% of the processing will take place at the showrooms.

The system also benefits used car showrooms by smoothing out the transaction process and reducing the chance of fraudulent activities.