A rich Saudi prince, Khalid bin Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud, living in England and with a fervor for luxury sports cars wanted a high-performance race track to be built in his 2,500-acre Oxfordshire estate and guess who he sought help from? The former Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson.

Jeremy Clarkson who used to host the popular TV show Top Gear was sacked by BBC but his love for Cars remains and probably this is the reason he was recently contacted by the wealthy Saudi Prince at his humongous estate to discuss about the idea of building a race track.

One of the location taken into consideration was a previous RAF airfield close to the village of Enstone. Back in 2004 too Clarkson gave the idea of turning this site into a driving track and a TV studio.

According to an informant near to the Royal Family, Prince Khalid is a petrol head and has a particular interest to drive his sports cars all long the country tracks, hence he wants a race track built near his house where he and other car enthusiasts could have fun with their supercars.

The meeting first was held at Prince’s estate at Glympton Park in November 2006.