The Italian automaker Ferrari along with Zspace has developed an amazing application that provides customers an interactive and unique shopping experience. The new augmented reality showroom app lets clients decide a color and other accessories for their next Ferrari.

By using the Metaio’s edge-tracking technology, the app identifies the vehicle using the rear camera on the tablet and gives clients ability to modify virtually the paint job, brakes and rims etc. The app has seven features currently providing customers to view an x-ray image of the car and see its components, a 3D split of the brake assembly, and a display of the vehicle in a wind tunnel.

In the past, Volkswagen partnered with Metaio to develop an augmented reality software with edge tracking technology to display technical information about its hybrid concept XL1 car in real-time.

Currently, the app works with five Ferrari models; the 458 Speciale and Spider, the FF, the California T, and the F12 Berlinetta, but the company will soon use this technology for the rest of the models too. The app is currently available for Japan and Australia, while the U.S customers will have to wait before they can see their augmented reality Ferraris.