The producers of the upcoming action film, Mad Max: Fury Road have released yet another international trailer featuring a dramatically exciting version of the race through desert wastelands. The fourth installment in the Mad Max series includes bizarre sequences of action and an unusual post-apocalyptic period.

Although previous trailers have shown the inevitable wasteland, this one includes horrifying interiors, terror-stricken landscapes and furious chase sequences. Both actors, Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, can be seen dodging rocket-fire attacks and moving through insane flame-throwing as they attempt to escape from the hands of an evil warlord.

The director of the reboot film, George Miller, has returned to direct another Mad Max after a 30-year gap but the Australian veteran has clearly raised the bar for today’s action movies. The distributors, Warner Bros. Pictures has marketed the film in extraordinary ways and also launched a video game in December last year. The film is set to hit cinemas on May 15 this year.