A Tyre is the most exposed component of your vehicle. Tyres carry the entire load of you and your vehicle, travel on uneven terrains, and bear the friction and temperature while running. Good condition tyres not only assure efficiency in mileage, but also the safety of passengers seated in. Stated below are some instructions to maintain your tyres and make them last long.

Maintain the Correct Pressure

There is more than one reason why you should be curious about the air pressure in your vehicle’s tyres. The over-inflated tyres negatively impact the handling on the road and rapid tyre wear, while the under-inflated tyres are easily overheated and fail before their promised lifetime. On the other hand, the tyres with appropriate air pressure can easily survive uncertain situations like bumps and pot holes.

Set the Wheel Alignment

Wheels are aligned when all of them face an exact same direction. Well-aligned wheels ensure a smooth ride with less wear impact on the tyres. On the other hand, wheels that are not aligned bear more friction causing a rapid wear. Not only this, but unaligned wheels can also compromise the safety of passengers and increase the fuel consumption to a significant level.

Replace the valves each time you fit the wheel

Valves and valve caps are very small in size but very high in utility, as they can hold the pressure inside the tyre. They can also be used to extract out some air if the tyre is over-inflated. As valves are made of rubber, they deteriorate very quickly. So each time you fit the wheel, try to replace old valves with the new ones. This is certainly an inexpensive maintenance tip, but can increase the life of your tyres to a great extent.

Replace the tyre rather than repairing it

It is often asked that after how many repairs a tyre should be replaced. Well, this can only be answered by an expert after analyzing the condition of your tyre. It also depends on whether the tyre has undergone major-repairs or minor-repairs. We suggest replacing the tyre after a couple of major-repairs.

Improve your driving skills

The lifespan of your tyres is also majorly dependent on the way you drive. Applying forceful brakes frequently and pushing the accelerating pedal suddenly lead to rapid wearing of your tyres. Drive calmly and take time to accelerate and decelerate the car to put less pressure on the wheels.

These tips, instructions and information should really help you understand the key aspects of tyre maintenance. By practicing these tips, you would notice a better and long-lasting performance of your tyres.