Koenigsegg has bested its 0-to-400-to-0 kph record by 4.95 seconds with the Regera hypercar. It was the Agera RS, which first made the record in 2017 beating Bugatti Chiron that completed the 0-to-400-to-0 kph in 41.96 seconds.

The Regera took precisely 31.49 seconds, which translates to 22.87 seconds to get to 400 km/h from standstill and 8.62 seconds to get back to 0.

Koenigsegg used an empty military airfield in Sweden for this record run. Christian von Koenigsegg said they could have done better if the road wasn’t bumpy.

The Regara hypercar is the company’s new offering, producing 1,500 horsepower and 1,475 pound-feet of torque. The automaker has made sure it is quick on the acceleration and efficient on the stop. For this reason, Koenigsegg created a new gearbox, “Direct Drive,” which has a single-speed drop gear and a hydraulic coupling system.

The Direct Drive system allows the car to get a steady acceleration thanks to single-speed drop gear. Furthermore, the energy loss is 50% fewer, giving the hypercar an extra power at the wheels.

Source and Images: MotorAuthority