Abu Dhabi Police has issued statistics of traffic fines and road incidents citing a drop in both. The record shows a 2.83% drop in traffic violations; the police department issued 4,557,532 fines in 2017 compared to 4,690,445 fines in 2016. Similarly, the road deaths have been reduced to 199 compared to 289 last year. Road accidents have also been dropped 12% from 1,740 to 1,533 in the same period.

There wasn’t a significant drop in serious injuries; 149 cases were reported compared to 156 last year.

Brigadier Ali Khalfan Al Daheri, Director of Central Operations Sector of Abu Dhabi Police, stated, “Our efforts to bring down the number of road fatalities and accidents will continue this year too. We will spread awareness among more people and work more efficiently.”

“Though the death rate in road accidents dropped considerably last year, we have to work hard to further reduce the road fatalities,” Brig Al Daheri said.

“Our goal for 2017 was to achieve 7.93 road fatalities per 100,000 residents but we could bring the number down to 5.7 fatalities per 100,000, which is considered a huge reduction,” he said.

The police also explained that most of the traffic violations were committed by drivers between 18 and 30 years of age and the highest number of violations were related to speeding. Apart from that motorists were found doing random parking, not keeping their lane and not wearing seatbelts.