Dubai Police receives about ten thousand 999 calls on daily basis and endeavors to reach the emergency location within 12 minutes. One hundred and twenty (120) officers are hired by the Police force to manage 999 calls, who work in shifts. In each shift, 20 officers are on duty to receive emergency calls with 400 vehicles ready to respond simultaneously.

The operations room of Dubai Police employs an Incident Management System (IMS) that helps in developing a hierarchy at the Control Center where officers carefully analyze each emergency for its location, intensity, and casualties involved. The evaluation is then forwarded to dispatchers who allocate police resources to the incident including ambulances, fire brigade, and patrol cars.

Dubai Police received approximately 1.34 million 999 calls in the first half of this year, however, most of them were general inquiries and not the emergency calls. Dubai police urges the citizens to not make 999 calls other than emergency purposes. Regular inquiries can be forwarded to 901.

Watch how fast Dubai police reaches the accident site.