A recent study by RoadSafetyUAE and two of the leading insurance companies in the UAE revealed Wednesday to be the most dangerous day for drivers in Ramadan. QIC Insured and Gargash Insurance Brokers joined hands with RoadSafetyUAE and assessed 1,835 accidents from Ramadan last year.

The comprehensive study measured number of accidents throughout the week and categorized all weekdays relatively dangerous compared to Sunday, with Wednesday being the most dangerous for drivers with 3.9% of accidents. Sunday scored relatively low with 2.7%, and all other weekdays lied in the range of 3.2% to 3.9%. Analyzing insurance claims further revealed that morning rush hour time, 9 to 10 am, is the most dangerous for drivers, as 16.1% of accidents were reported in this time window.

The study revealed that 82% of accidents were caused by male drivers and only 18% by female. Also, the most notorious age group causing accidents turned out to be 40+, while only 8% of accidents were caused by drivers 24 years or younger (18 years). Indian drivers turned out to be most perilous, causing 39% of accidents.

The insights provided by this survey are of immense importance, as tempers and speeds run high in holy month of Ramadan. Experts from insurance companies and RoadSafetyUAE declared distracted driving, using mobile phones, and hasty driving decisions to be the largest contributor of accidents. They stressed that leaving early and planning ahead for road congestion can lead to lowering traffic accidents in Ramadan 2017.