On July 1, new traffic laws will come into effect which would double the fines for drivers committing certain traffic violations. It is expected that increased traffic fines will keep reckless drivers under control and would ensure the safety of people on the road.

Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior has approved the amendment made to the Federal Traffic Law, which states traffic offenders, especially reckless drivers and speedsters, will have to pay increased traffic fines. With this decision, the number of traffic laws will be reduced from 147 to 120, where 19 laws are reported to be new and 29 are fused with others.

The increased traffic fines for speedsters and rash drivers

  • Exceeding maximum speed limit by not more than 60 kmph will increase the fine from Dh900 to Dh1,500, while those who exceed maximum speed limit by more than 60kmph will have to pay Dh2,000 instead of Dh1,500 now.
  • Fine to go over 80 kmph will be Dh3,000, fine will go up from Dh800 to Dh1,000 for those exceeding by 50kmph, whereas topping by not more than 20kmph will be Dh300.
  • Breaking red signal will increase the fine from Dh800 to Dh1,000 along with 4 more black points jumping to 12 (previously 8). Also, red signal violator’s vehicles will be confiscated for 30 days.
  • Fine for unjustified parking will go up from Dh500 to Dh1,000 along with the black points increment from 4 to 6.
  • Traffic fine for mobile users jumped more than double, as it is the leading cause of fatal accidents. Compared to previous Dh200, the new fine will be Dh800 with four black points.
  • Driver not using car seats for children less than four years will be fined Dh400.
  • Fine for motorists overtaking from road shoulders will rise from Dh600 to Dh1,000.
  • Recreational bike riders will be charged with Dh3,000 plus their vehicles will be confiscated for 90 days.
  • Truck drivers overtaking from right side will face a yearlong suspension of their license and a fine of Dh3,000.

According to Major General Saif Al Zafeen, director of the Dubai Traffic Prosecution Council and Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Dubai Police Operations the purpose of increased traffic fines was to keep all road users safe. Additionally, the new amendment will go through an evaluation period and there will be awareness campaigns. The Federal Traffic Council aims to cut the number of casualties to 3 deaths per 100,000.

Maj. Gen. Al Zafeen said that speeding, deviation and driving poorly maintained vehicle are some of the major causes of accidents among which sudden deviation has been one of the most fatal offenses in last five year. Moreover texting while driving is one of the leading causes of fatal accidents, hence the hefty increase in fine is justified.

He also cleared that two different traffic violations – reckless driving and driving in a way that poses a threat – will be merged into one to clear the ambiguity for law enforcement agency and drivers.