Tesla CEO, Elon Musk tweeted on 9th October saying that a new Tesla product is unveiling on 17th October. All the fans have been speculating since then what it could be. The tweet also mentions that the new product will be ‘unexpected by most’, which implies that some people might have a rough idea what the company is cooking in its factories.

A few possibilities include a new vehicle, maybe a roadster, and improvements in the autonomous driving feature, since Musk previously mentioned that the Tesla’s autonomous driving technology is advancing at a surprising pace. One of the retweets went as far to say that a new Tesla range of muffins and cakes might be launched on October 17th.

On the other hand, another event on 28th October is scheduled where Tesla along with Solar City will launch new products including a solar roof and the new Tesla EV charger.

Stay tuned as we bring you more information regarding the new Tesla product.