Every dealer wants to do business and this is why when you buy a car through a particular dealership, it will make sure you become its customer. To achieve this aim, a dealer will use all sorts of tactics to trick you into buying a car only through him, offering ‘discounts’ and sounding as if you are his favoured customer. And with those bold salesmen in UAE’s showrooms, it becomes even harder to separate tricks from facts. Do not get me wrong, not all agents would apply tricks; some are extremely humble and truthful. This information is just to be ready for worst-case scenarios. Below are some of the most common car agent tricks that you need to watch out for. For your help, we have even provided solutions lest you face similar situations.


The Car Agent Tricks: Many dealers in UAE will entrap you with ‘great deals’, informing you that a special scheme can allow you to purchase a car for very low monthly payments—say AED 1,000 a month. This is a popular trick where the agent wouldn’t mention the price of the car, but will try to convince you buying from him by offering low monthly payments. Practically, it’s very easy for an agent to get you any monthly payment—all he would do is to extend the loan period.

What Should You Do: Always focus on the total price of the car and do not be fooled that low monthly payments also mean low prices. Negotiate the price and the payments can be settled easily.

Bait and Switch Ads

The Dealership Trick: A dealer will advertise a car with an attractive price tag. When you make it to his showroom, he will tell you the car has already been sold. This is one of the tactics to attract you to the showroom through advertising and once you are there, the dealer will take you around to convince you to buy another pricier model.

What Should You Do: Call the dealership before leaving your house! Ask them if the advertised vehicle is still available for sale; and if they say it is then request a signed statement about the availability of the vehicle. Later, if the dealer tries to trick you at their showroom, you will have proof.


The Car Agent Tricks: Most dealerships here have trained agents and they do not shy from acting courteous whenever they feel like. A typical agent will sound as if he has done a great favour to you by acquiring you a wonderful interest rate or even a loan for that matter. The reality is the dealer is probably making as much money on the loan as he is making on the car itself.

What Should You Do: Don’t be fooled to think you have won a prize if your dealer informs you of a lower interest rate. We suggest before you go shopping, approve yourself a loan first. Make online searches and talk to banks and see who can offer the lowest interest rate.

Sale Tactics

The Car Agent Tricks: With so many dealerships across the UAE, the one you step in will ensure you don’t get out until you have made a purchase. The agent will use different sales tactics to trick you into buying a car from him. Many, for instance, will suggest that a particular car won’t be there tomorrow because it is highly sought after. Every time you make an excuse, the agent will counter those excuses until you are speechless and submit to their wishes.

What Should You Do: Dealerships have trained salesmen, who are schooled to use pressure tactics on potential customers. This is something you need to watch out for. Even if a salesman has influenced you, do not hasten and give in. Tell him that you will be back once you have surveyed the market. The more rigid you sound, the less pressure would they put on you.