BatKid Begins is the story of an American child, Miles Scott who was diagnosed with leukemia, and to fulfill his wish, Make-A-Wish Foundation, which grants wishes of children with life threatening diseases, staged one of the largest projects ever.

On November 15, 2013, the city of San Francisco California was transformed into Gotham city and Miles was seen arriving in a Lamborghini bat mobile. He was led through various missions and was even given the keys of the Gotham City by the Mayor Ed Lee.

Barrack Obama also released a vine video saying “Way to go, Miles, way to save Gotham”.

The recent trailer of Batkid Documentary which has touched hearts of millions of people around the world, talks about Miles and his disease and how Make-A-Wish Foundation with the help of residents of San Francisco, social media networks, and even the president of the United States, planned to fulfill the only wish of this kid, “I wish to be Batkid.”