Whether it’s to save the planet from Global Warming or bank some fuel costs along the way, going green isn’t such a bad idea. There are many ways that an individual can go green and most of them aren’t very hard to accomplish either. Down below we have listed the ones we feel have the most potential.

Drive a Hybrid

Ok, this should be fairly obvious to everyone. If you want to go green then what better way there is than to drive a green car. Studies have shown that up to 20% of greenhouse gas emissions come from vehicles alone. Hybrids are available these days in almost all types; four-door, two-door, SUV, etc. Commonly referred as a hybrid car, you can get better mileage on them, saving you money on fuel with low carbon emission.

Drive using Green Driving methods

So you don’t have a hybrid, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make an effort to drive green. Driving technique affects car’s fuel economy a lot, so if you start driving green you will cut down on fuel loss and extra costs. Rules of thumb for driving green are:

– Don’t go over the speed limit

– No sudden starts

– Keep engine speeds between 1200-3000 RPMs

– Up-shift between 2000-2500 RPMs

– And always plan a fuel efficient route for you errands

– Tune ups

Your car is a machine and like other machines it will experience some wear and tear over time. With that come excess fuel consumption, more emissions and a chance your car might blow something. Regular tune-ups, oil changes, oil filter changes and air filter changes will help lower fuel consumption, bring down pollution and prevent your car from coming down with any issues later on. Another point that many people forget is regularly checking if their car tyres are properly inflated. Properly inflated tyres will guzzle less gas.

Car Pooling

One of the best ways to save on fuel costs and pollution is carpooling with people heading in the same direction or destination as you.

Turn off the AC

If we were living somewhere cooler than this wouldn’t even be an issue, but the high temperature in the Middle East can be a strain on anyone not using an AC while driving. The best bet would be to turn it off at night when the weather isn’t hot enough to fry an egg on the tarmac.

Don’t Drive

Instead of taking the car to work every day, why not just take the public transport for work or study. You won’t have to drive or worry about traffic; just sit back and relax while the driver takes you where you want to go. This way you will not only benefit your pocket but the environment too.

There were a few more suggestions we want to dish out, but unfortunately they are impractical in the Middle East heat. In cooler climates, people shun driving for days at a time in favour for other modes of transport like cycling or rollerblading which would probably give you heatstroke if you try it on a hot day here. So, if you want to go green then the tips above are your best bet.