Yes we live in the Desert but it might still rain. In fact, rain is unpredictable and can fall any time. Sometimes, rain becomes an unexpected torrential downpour: almost all of us have had the miserable experience of driving through a heavy storm.

Rain is also one of the most common causes of road accidents. This happens mostly because of the driving conditions. During a rainstorm, the roads become slippery, and oftentimes, the rain blurs the windshield and reduces visibility for the driver.

After a long dry season, when the rain starts to fall, be very careful if you are caught on the road in the rain. Engine oil and grease builds up on the road during the dry season. Now, when these mix with water from rainfall, the road can become extremely slick, slippery, and dangerous.

When it is starting to rain and you have to travel somewhere, make sure that you start driving with a little time allowance. It’s best not to start speeding through the roads in the rain. Also, if you need to brake, make sure that you do so as gently as you can. Sudden or strong braking can lead you to skid, and you know what happens after that.

If the rain is pouring harder than you expected it to, and you observe that your visibility is lessened because of the downpour, turn on your headlights immediately. Added lights can actually help you see the road better, and these also help other motorists see you.

However, do not try to be brave and drive through a huge downpour if you simply cannot see the road. Pull over and wait for the rain to subside. There is no harm in doing that. In fact, it could save your life and others’ lives as well.