Few days back, rumors were circulating that filling a car tank to the full may lead to an explosion in the fuel tank due to high heat. The Royal Oman Police (ROP) denied all such gossips and affirmed that cars full of patrol are completely safe.

The message that got public attention through SMS, emails and social media warned that filling the fuel to maximum may cause an explosion in the tank, due to the rising temperature in summer. It also claimed that five explosive accidents have been reported so far. However, the Police have elucidated that these are false assumptions and must not be believed in. If required, ROP and PACDA (Public Authority of Civil Defence and Ambulances) will itself issue such warnings.

On being explored, the message was associated to an oil company, which has also denied issuing such cautionary. However, the company acknowledged that its employees were advised to leave some space for air in the fuel tanks, as it can adversely impact the performance of the vehicle.