Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has joined hands with Emirates Authority For Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) to create an automated emergency call system named eCall System, which will be a part of every new vehicle from 2021. The system will activate and make an automated call to the nearest police emergency center in the event of an accident. This action will reduce accident-reporting time, thus will minimize road deaths and severe injury cases.

“The system will be configured with certain parameters and developed in combination with different features of the cars, including the air bags and sensors. So in case of an accident, it will warn nearest police operation center in a matter of seconds,” said Abdullah Salman, wireless network separations engineer at Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.

The eCall system, once activated, gives the precise location of the accident, time, vehicle type, fuel type, number of occupants inside the car, and other related information.

For the existing vehicles, TRA is planning the installation of the system in them.

Source and Image: GulfNews